Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Lincoln Museum with Grandpa
Posted by Whitney at 4:56 PM 6 comments
Another Before and After
They were both quick shots because of weather. :)
Posted by Whitney at 4:45 PM 3 comments
Romo is multiplying!!
Austin's Romo shirt has been a long-time favorite, worn warm out of the dryer almost every time and makes an appearance in most pictures we take. Maybe the over use is getting to me..but I think I am seeing double or double-double!
Posted by Whitney at 4:38 PM 1 comments
Photo Editing ...Super Easy!
I have gotten a couple of questions about how I did the pictures. Go to Picasa and download this free software for editing and organizing your photos. To do the black and white with bits of color click on the photo you want to change in your library. Go to "effects", the third tab, and click on "focal B & W", bottom row in the middle. This will allow you to chose the placement of the color spot and size. Happy picture taking!
Posted by Whitney at 4:33 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Fall...A Holiday here in the Midwest!
James 3: 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. ESV
Posted by Whitney at 11:38 AM 5 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Austinism #362
Retelling the story of Adam and Eve:
"Their eyes were closed (fingers over eyes) and they did not know they were naked."
Posted by Whitney at 6:12 PM 3 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
My Favorite Adoption Song!
I have mentioned Evan and Emily before, but I did not get to finish their story. Last week, they were told by their caseworker to consider their referral lost (little boy from Vietnam). They had not made the deadline of 9/1 for receiving official referral paperwork. They were heartbroken, to say the least, but still seeking the glory of God. Two days later, they receive another call from the caseworker saying that they HAD received their official referral from Vietnam the week before, meeting the deadline. How blessed I was to hear Emily say, "He's Ours!!"
I have been so encouraged by their faithfulness to the Lord in their adoption journey. When I put together our visit trip video, I used a song that Emily had written for a lullaby cd she put together. At that time, I put in a request that she write an adoption song, knowing that it would be a testimony to the work for our heavenly Father.
I was thrilled to find this post on Emily's blog this week! She shares a song that she has been working on in a beautiful and simple way. Hit play on her video and scroll through the words. Knowing Anh's story, I cannot imaging looking at his face and not giving God praise for the work He has done in his young life!
Posted by Whitney at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Welcome Cousin Alyssa!

I love the look on Grandma's face. :) It is good to live vicariously through our siblings and their children getting to have grandparents close. And for the grandparents, I love that they get to experience the joys of a grand baby nearby that they miss with our kids. I also know that they work very hard to make sure they have that close relationship with us and our kiddos across the miles.
Posted by Whitney at 10:28 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Celebrating Daddy's Birthday
We had such a good day celebrating Daddy's Labor Day Birthday! There was swimming, eating out, a family walk, cookie cake and watching family video.
I had Hannah take a picture of us, and he asked if it was for the blog. "Well, yes" was my reply, because the blog has made me realize how few pictures we take together now. :)
Posted by Whitney at 7:38 PM 4 comments
Praising Our Father!

Yesterday, a group just shy of 600 people heard the Word of God proclaimed (the previous three weeks of "practice" services, we were around 300)! We know that some of those were prayer warriors coming in support of our first Sunday and that the Lord will give us those that we can handle to shepherd. As we went into this weekend, we prayed that we would not be the "next place" to try, but really draw those that have not been involved in church. To His Glory, this was the case from many conversations we had.
Our prayer is for the hearts of those in our community to be turned toward the Lord, through Jesus Christ. We are thankful to the Father to have the opportunity to do His work here and pray for a humble and willing spirit in each of us.
God, be glorified in the hearts of Your people and allow us to bring you honor and praise!
Psalm 86:9-12 All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.
Posted by Whitney at 6:56 PM 4 comments