All the cousin's on the maternal side of the family.

A quick hay ride in the rain.

Snuggling Gran at the sleepover at Great-Grandma Jean's

Sleepover breakfast and hugs for Papa

Hannah, Ellie and Grandma Jean

With my sisters (and Ellie jumped in)

All the first cousins, what is with Austin's glasses ? :)

Aunt Grace and Ellie

Ellie and Dylan, how cute are they!?!

Just too absolutely cute! Thanks for the pictures! I get so hungry for them...Love to you all,
Grammy and Gramps
Great pictures!
whitney, Are the babies in the orange outfits really babies, or are they baby dolls? I can't tell.
love you Grammy
From the picture of all the great grans on the couch, it looks like Austin has much more practice holding babies than Blake! :-) Cindi
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