Thursday, April 26, 2007

Passing the Torch

A few weeks ago, my husband's grandfather passed away. It is sad to think of going to Arkansas and not be greeted by him when we arrive at his home. (Though, it has been several years since this happened.) He would always smile at me and call me "Suzy" (as all of the married in women were called). He remembered meeting my family at our wedding and would ask about them. His passing was a blessing, as he had been living in a nursing home for about two years and had declined in health. He missed being at home and doing his "puttering" about the yard and garage. The main reason we rejoice in his death, was the knowledge that he had placed his faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sin and in a since had gone home to the best possible place.

As a pastor and grandson, Daniel was asked to preform part of the funeral ceremony. Today, we received a letter in the mail written by his aunt from the all the children of Grandpa Bennett. In it, thanks are mentioned for what Daniel said and help given during the days around the funeral. Also, it explained that the siblings have generously decided to contribute to our adoption effort. I was most touched (to put it lightly...I have cried every time I read it) by the following lines:

"Grandpa would want to have a say in this, one last time, to let you know that he loves you and appreciates all that you are doing in the world...May it be a symbol of the continuity of family and the passing of the torch from Grandpa, upon his homegoing, to this newest member of the Bennett family, at her homecoming. May it be an affirmation that family love extends beyond the boundaries of bloodline and binds us ever and always to one another."

What a blessing the words were to me as one who receives this love, beyond the boundaries of bloodline, and the way I know that Ellie will be loved as well. Furthermore, I am so grateful for extended family that has passed on their faith to those who follow. Our family ties are deeper through our unity in Christ. I praise The Father for the Godly heritage that Daniel and I have and pray for perseverance in our own faith to continue to pass on that heritage to our children.


Jami said...

That is so very cool!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Whitney, for being a wonderful daughter-in-love. Your comments were a tearful blessing to me!
Love, MOM B