Thursday, July 5, 2007

Sleeping Beauty!

This is another sweet update from our friend:

"Yesterday morning I went upstairs and had passed Ellie by in her walker and she came rolling after me and tugged on my leg! It definitely brought a smile to my face! But today one of the most tender moments of my trip occurred. I had picked Ellie up and was playing with her. The usual...patty cake and she loves to sit on your lap and then lean her backwards so she is upside down. That gets the biggest laugh out of her. But then she started to get a little fussy. I knew she had been playing with the kids for a while so I thought she might be a little tired. I took her to a rocking chair and held her. She was kind of wimpering/crying so I started to sing to her... which for most people would make them cry more! :) I sang "You are my sunshine" and "Jesus loves the little children." Then I heard on the radio "Open the Eyes of my heart" being sung in Spanish! So I sang that too and she started to nod off. Then all the older kids stormed into the room and she woke back up so I moved to a quieter spot and started over with the same songs. Then "Lord I lift your name on high" came on too. By that time she was out and I started to first time since the day I got here! Such a precious moment. I just began thinking how cool it is that she is going to be a part of your family and what a blessing that is! And that's an understatement! It's also cool because I had been thinking I wanted to send you a pic of Ellie sleeping...because what is better than watching a sleeping baby. I know....when they fall asleep in your arms! Thanks for letting me share! Hope all is well!"

I love to hear what she is doing and see what she looks like. I was also encouraged that after spending a little time with this lady, Ellie wanted to be with her! I know that bonding/attachment does not happen instantly, but I have hope that our week with Ellie has potential to be pleasant and enjoyable for her, too! I am excited she is listening to good praise music. The DVD had music going on in the background, so I think that is a consistent element in the children's home. Gratefulness fills my heart knowing that her heart is exposed to good spiritual food in the form of music and the daily Bible stories the mama's tell the children. The Lord is faithful and a perfect provider for every need!

Father, please keep Ellie's heart sensitive to You! Allow her to come to know You at the earliest possible age, and follow after You all of her life! Protect her from the evil one and keep her from falling into temptation. Give Ellie a longing for Your word and desire for others around her to know You. I trust that her salvation is in You alone and only You can offer this little one eternal hope!


Crystal said...

What an awesome blessing to be receiving these e-mails!!! Oooooh my goodness Whitney I had tears in my eyes!!! Your little Ellie reminds me of our Sophie!!!! She is just so beautiful!!! I just can't believe those eyelashes!!!! oooh Whitney I will be praying for yoru trip!!! I am sooo excited for you --16 days I am counting down with you!!!!!!!!! :O)

Jami said...

How awesome that you gets updates and pictures so much!! She is precious! I can't wait to see you with her soon! Thanks for your call tonight. I'll call you back tomorrow if I can!!! :)

Love you!

jajbs said...

What a beautiful story you will have to share with her. I am so excited to see her story unfold. She is beautiful!


Andrea said...



Aim said...

What a beautiful sleeping baby! I am so happy you are getting so many updates. I am also glad to hear that EN is such a wonderful place.

Megan said...

Wonderful that you are getting such great and personal updates! She is amazing! I am excited for you to be going to visit her soon!! It is the best ever! God Bless!!

Anonymous said...

This is such a precious connection to Ellie that God has blessed you with! What a reassurance of His love and care for Ellie- and for you. And the beautiful comments of Ellie's personality that she shared and the precious photos- just further show what a special little girl Ellie is! Can't wait to meet her with you in less than 2 weeks... I'll have my videocamera charged and ready :-)
