Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hat-themed Restaruants and the Winner

We were at the Hershey's Factory Store in Chicago last weekend (Ellie's first road trip...she did great!) and the kids got factory worker hats. We were very entertaining to the couple next to us.

Here, the kids are sporting antlers from another restaurant that we have visited recently. No, we are not in the habit of eating out or eating only at restaurants that offer head wear. :) (Ellie had already shredded her hat.)

This is the assortment of items I put together to donate to an assisted-living home nearby for our 40,000 hit winner Sara!


Mom B said...


Mom B said...

AND...I'm sure all the grands join me in being glad Ellie does well on a road trip!!!

Unknown said...

Trying to figure out how a blog can make me smile and hungry at the same time! It wasn't the moose heads that did it for me but the chocolate got me thinking....They are so precious! Monica