Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hey Locals

I had thought that I would do a garage sale in the fall to help with adoption costs. Due to our being on sabbatical and traveling, it didn't happen, but God provided above and beyond our needs (we were telling grant agencies that we no longer needed assistance. Wow...He is Faithful!)

In my desire to clean out my house, I considered just loading up my van with the garage sale stack that I had made in the fall and heading to Goodwill...but was convicted that just because we didn't have a need there are others that do...sweetie pies at Eagle's Nest! And what a great way to teach our children about giving.

So...we are doing a garage sale in June and would like to offer to take your Goodwill stash to sell. We will donate our profits to EN to help with the children that cannot be placed with families for the time. Give me a buzz, email, whatever and we can arrange to get your items to our house by June 1st.

To God be the Glory!


Papa said...

What's considered local and do you pickup???

Em said...

Jessica and I are having a sale at her house on the 31st. Would you take leftovers? We had planned to drop off unsold items at the Mission, but your house would be even closer. :)

Grammy said...

What a great idea! Wish I could be there to help you. We hope you have great success with it.
Love to all of you,
Grammy and Gramps

David and Marianne said...

I'm sure I can find a few things : ) I'll send them with you after our playdate!

Great idea!

Hannah said...

What a wonderful idea. I love the post with the hats (below)too cute.


Paul and DeeDee said...

I know crazy huh? Angel (who I found through your blog) asked me if I wanted to link my blog to their new site and I thought it was pretty cool. It links together people for a common cause. Technology amazes me sometimes:) Is your friend going with them to EN next march? I hope to be going on the Ethiopia trip if that works out. Hope your doing well!