Name: Austin Daniel
Why we picked the name: Austin- means "worthy of reverence", "majestic splendor"-we pray that he would bring glory to God
shortened form of Augustine, an important father of the faith, but I would not sign "Augustine" on the birth certificate, so it was a compromise that Austin is a shortened form, we also call him "Auggie" a family shortening of Augustine :)
we are Jane Austen fans
Austin happens to be a city in TX (though not our favorite city, but in the greatest state in the nation)
Daniel- means "God is my judge" and is his daddy's name
Born: January 26, 2003
Why the logo: "Keep Austin Weird" is a saying of Austin, TX in support of local businesses (vs. national chains). It just seems to fit Austin, our son, because, well, he is just a little weird. I can't tell you all the crazy get-ups I have taken him to places in. Tucks every shirt in. :) Clip-on pens and belts are favorites as well. The Dallas Cowboy jersey is almost always being worn first out of the laundry. In fact, after putting together the adoption video, I realized he was wearing it in multiple pictures/videos. He loves dressing up . He will wear a snow hat, boots, and gloves in any weather if I let him.

Austin is a very enthusiastic guy. He gets into playing games (decent chess player for a 5 year old), cars, and sports (football, swimming, riding bikes (riding a two-wheeler just as he turned 4), soccer, and playing catch).
Austin recently was awarded the "Littlest Engine that Could" award in honor of being a hard worker and the youngest by over a year on the team. There were only three "special" awards given by the swim team coaches. I am glad I was wearing sunglasses so no one noticed that I teared up. :)

Austin loves his siblings. I awoke to hear him helping Noah get dressed for the day. He will do anything to get Ellie to laugh and could play for hours with Hannah. Austin LOVES getting to go to men's prayer breakfasts (or McD's) with his Daddy.

We are waiting to see how the Lord will use Austin. He asks great questions about the Bible and prays for our missionaries and China regularly. Austin is reading some short verses from the Bible with assistance, worked to get door hangers put out today for our church launch coming soon, and his favorite song is "There is a Redeemer" (they sing it in Sunday School).
What a special gift we have been given in Austin... life is never dull or too serious.
Austin IS such a sweet little guy and we are so thankful to know him! Who knows, maybe one day he'll be our future son-in-law??? :) We love you Austin!
We sure do love that little guy! He is just so funny :) I love his model pose and am very proud of his swimming award!!!
Aunt amanda
I love it! Thank you so very much for all the info about Austin. It helps us to know him better! We can't wait to see you all! Just a few more days!
Love to all of you,
Grammy and Gramps
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