Monday, July 28, 2008

Fresh Pics

I had seen a picture on a blog of a fellow Guatemama of silhouette pictures of her children and I wanted to figure out how to do it myself. So, I simply brought out the camera at dusk and shot the kids from behind as I was near the ground. Then I went to a great photo editing site, Picasa, and bumped up the shadow feature.

Here's what I got:

Pretty cool, huh?!?!! The best part was not worrying if they were all looking at the camera at the same time. :)

This is using the focal black and white feature
This is the pose that the kids requested, feet and all. :)

We had a fun evening outside helping Daddy with a project and mowing, while listening to stories about Grandpa Bob's hammer. :)


Anonymous said...

Can you get some new pics of your nephews like these? I LOVE them!!!

Paul and DeeDee said...

it looks like you guys had fun killing time while daniel mowed the lawn... ah hem....park:)

Robyn said...

Beautiful pics!!


Anonymous said...

great job whitney!!!


Grammy said...

We loved the pics of the kids and also their favorite one was a really cute one! Loved the feet!
Your Aunt Imazo and Aunt Mae really loved the videos and stories as well. Love to all of you.
Grammy and Gramps