Friday, May 25, 2007

A Blogger's Defense

I felt that I needed to defend this new-found past time...Daniel has only threatened to disconnect our internet once. :) The time to create and maintain a blog does not compare with the time it takes to search and read other blogs (which I do have to monitor, but it has been SO fun to find new friends in the same boat and see how God is using this time in their lives). To post, is basically the same as sending an email, minus the time it takes to decide who to send it to.
Daniel and I discussed an article in a news-type magazine several years ago that was on a study done on a group of nuns. The gist of the article was that the nuns who kept there minds active through writing (writing was the main factor) did not exhibit signs of alzheimers even if their autopsies showed that they had the disease. I believe that this blog is a gift to my family in that I am writing to keep this "Mommy brain" from deteriorating any sooner than necessary.
I am finding, too, that I am thinking of new posts to write and composing them in my head as I am going about my day. I have also become more diligent in my devotional time because, one, I have to have a quiet time before I let myself turn the computer on, and two, I desire to think and write more spiritually, and you can't think more spiritually without the Holy Spirit and the Word!
As I mentioned in my first post, I desire that this blog will be informative on the status of our adoption and also educational to those new to adoption and what all goes on. In some strange way, I also feel I am developing a connection to a daughter I do not know yet. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement!


Grammy said...

Dear Granddaughter,
What a blessing your blog is to me!
I always look forward to reading it and imagining how it must be to raise 3 beautiful children, and stay busy with that, plus keeping a clean home for them and doing meals, being a pastor's wife, and all the duties entailed by that, plus keeping a blogsite. I admire you greatly and I love you tremendously.

Grammy said...

P.S. I anxiously also await the coming of number 4 and look forward to meeting her.