Friday, February 1, 2008

Day #2

I can't say that I will post everyday, but here's a report on our second day altogether:

1. Had a slow start, Daniel took the morning off.
2. Realized there was 7 inches of snow on the ground that needed to be moved from the driveway (the driveway had accumulated much more than the official 7 inches!)
3. Spent a hour collecting snow gear for Ellie and getting everyone dressed.
4. Ellie went in the snow for the first time! She did okay, but from the safety of the cleared driveway...Ellie thought it was hilarious when Daddy threw snow at the big kids(so did they)!
5. Ellie went up to her second home, CHURCH, for the first time. We had a home school Valentine's party. She stayed snuggled up to me or Daniel, but enjoyed the yummy cookies and shared a few smiles.
6. Ellie fell asleep in the car for the first time, and transfered well to her bed (yeah)!
8. Made a dent in unpacking...had to, we can't find a thing!
7. Had dinner...Decided that she is doing great with table foods(ate half a sandwich plus fruit), so I am discontinuing the baby food. We will still do the bottles, as it is great bonding time.
9. Had a tea party on the living room floor with all four kids...Ellie loves to pretend!
10. Started the bed time routine, the big kids watched a cartoon while Ellie had some independent play in the same room...this seems to be good for her. Maybe, because she can regroup and feel less pressured. She chattered to me lots, and flashed great smiles from across the room.
11. I put the kids to bed, and I think they are all asleep, hour and a half later.

If you have stuck around to the end of the post, you are probably wondering where the pictures are that you came for...well, they are in camera prison. The computer will not read the I will have to get my tech guy on it. I am so thankful that this didn't happen while we were gone...however, the camera is dated B.C. ...before children, when digital was pretty new! I think I got some good ones of all four kiddos, despite the fact that I was photographer and baby wrangler. The cheerleader hurkies (sp?) worked well for getting laughs.


Anonymous said...

What a great 2nd day it sounds like you all had - hope you can get the camera issue figured out. Enjoy day #3! :) Hope to run into you all tomorrow.


Andrea said...

I am so happy for your family! I know you are COMPLETELY happy now!! CONGRATS!!

I know your website is an encouragement to Erin (little Joseph's mommy.) It must be wonderful for her to see that you brought Ellie home when she was a little older and she is adjusting well! Can't wait to see the pics!

Grammy said...

Dear Children,
Wonderful 2nd day. Don't worry so much about pictures (even though we love them)! Your descriptions paint picture of their own. Your blogsites are the first thing I check when going online. Love to all of you,
Grammy and Gramps

David and Marianne said...

Our computer FINALLY is back home from the shop and functional!!!! I've been dying to say WELCOME HOME ELLIE BENNETT!! So sorry we weren't one of the lucky ones to be a smiling face as you walked into the airport Wed. : ( Janie and I were going to come(she was going to push me in a wheelchair) but it didn't work out...too bad for us. Sounded like you had quite the crew waiting for you!

Praying all those "firsts" and transitions keep going well! Praise God for His awesome goodness!

Amy said...

This sounds like a wonderful day! We continue to pray for your family as everyone adjusts. :)

Happy days ahead!

Sarah said...

Congratulations on Ellie's safe and happy homecoming! What a blessing and an answer to prayer. God is good! We continue to pray for you.