Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I have enjoyed other Guatemama's posting firsts that they were able to experience with their children once they were home. I hope that this will be an encouragement to all of you still waiting that even a 19 month old has lots of firsts that we are able to experience!

1. First time to see snow, first Midwest winter, first time ever even be cold!
2. First taste of ice cream and lots of other new foods
3. First trip to a restaurant
4. First time in a car seat
5. First time to sign "Please"...a huge blessing to have her communicate in a positive way
6. First time in the U.S.
7. First time to go swimming
8. First bath in a tub
9. First time to meet her siblings or to even have them
10. First time to color
11. First birthday party
12. First visit to the pediatrician
13. First time to go to church
14. First time to say "okay" according to Hannah :)
15. First time to "talk" on the phone
16. First airplane ride
17. First time to go on stairs, she mastered up and down in about 48 hours
18. First kisses
19. First time to consistently get her to smile for pictures
20. First outings for groceries, the library, etc.
21. First time to see a dog
22. First time to be in a home other than our own (i.e. the first birthday party)
23. First time to be a U.S. Citizen
24. First Sunday School class (with us, of course)
25. First time at AWANA (she got to be Hannah's special visitor)
26. First time to meet so many that have been praying for her for so long
27. First pair of shoes that belong just to her (Not even passed down from Hannah)
28. First time to be the center of attention in a room of people
29. First time in a stroller...not a fan at first, but she does not mind the double stroller sitting by Noah
30. I got to look at the first pictures ever taken of Ellie, with her on my lap

These pictures were taken 12/01/06, just one week after she arrived at Eagle's Nest. I am so thankful to have these precious four pictures from her birth year!

To Come (Lord willing):
1. First words in English (she really does not use many Spanish words either, so most talking will be a first)
2. First time to meet grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins
3. First trip (I think it will be Wisconsin in April)
4. First Midwest Spring, Summer, and Fall (playing outside lots, fireflies, fireworks, seeing leaves change color)
5. First time to hear her daddy preach (coming this Sunday night)
6. First time in nursery (who knows when, Ellie and I are both nervous about this)
7. Holidays

There are a ton more so I will probably have a part two!

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" Psalm 107:1 ESV


Sara said...

Oh, I absolutely loved this post. Often when the adoption drags on you think of what has been missed and this is a reminder of things to come...wonderful firsts to share with our children. Made me stop and appreciate things that we often take for granted. Thanks for the reminders!

Grammy said...

Dear Whitney,
What a beautiful post! Amazing that there are so many "firsts" and I can see it all in my mind's eye. God is so awesome, and we can see it firsthand when we really look, can't we? Love to all of you,
Grammy and Gramps
Looking forward to being one of the "firsts".

Amy said...

This is a great list Whitney!

Mom&Dad to A & J said...

Funny - I've been thinking about the same thing. At 22 months we seem to do a new first everyday. Someone told me when we were in process that they felt like God would restore the time to us. That is what it feels like now.

Leah said...

Thanks for sharing those firsts. Sometimes that's the hardest thing in waiting is thinking that you are missing so much of those. Very encouraging!

Faithful Froggers said...

What a great post! There are so many firsts we experience when our children come home - no matter how old they are!

Blessings to your family!
Love & FROG,

rsr said...

Oh Praise the LORD! :)) My heart is smiling for you all!! And Ellie - you are so sweet..purely a gift from the Lord.. :)

FordeFam said...

This is precious!!! So happy for you guys!!! We have been on vacation and then sick on and off for a while, so I just came to check your blog and see that your little Ellie is with you guys! She's adorable! I can't wait to read of more firsts!!! :)
Praise the Lord! :)