Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Moment with My 2 Year Old

I am getting ready for a wedding and Noah is in the bathroom with me.

Noah: Why are you doing that?
Me: Doing what, Noah?
N: Why do you look like Princess Leia?
M: Are you saying that I look pretty?
N:(giggle, giggle) Yessss...

Hummmm, only 3 out of 4 questions answered. :) Maybe you are wondering why my 2 year old knows who Princess Leia is.


Matthew said...

clearly he knows who princess Leah is because his daddy has taken the time to raise him properly!

Grammy said...

He certainly knows how to compliment, and that his Mommy is one pretty lady. Yes, Daddy has taught him well. A truly adorable picture of him as well. Thanks.
Love you all,

Papa said...

I only know Princess Leah from watching her at your house. But, you mommy has always been a princess to you will always be a prince to her!
Great observation young man...

Jenn said...

Ha ha! He is too cute! I love that age when kids say the cutest things!