Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A "Small" Gift

One day, while in Guatemala, I was with Ellie in the children's home. I had sat down at the kitchen counter to feed her lunch. A young girl, Onoria, pictured with Ellie above, came over to us. She handed Ellie a small, yellow ball that the children had been playing with at the pool earlier. I smiled and replied "gracias", and she bounded off to play again. Ellie was not interested in the ball so, when another child came up and asked for it, I simply handed it to her. As we left the home, I passed Onoria, in tears, pleading with a mama. She pointed to the ball, now on top of the fridge, and then to me and said "para ella" ("for her"). The mama looked to me and handed me the ball. It was then I realized the significance of the gift. There are plenty of clothes, and a good share of toys at the home, but any one child could really lay little claim on anything specific. This small gift was something that she could claim, and wanted to share with another! What a generous act! I pray that the Lord will get a hold of her heart and continue to use for Him the seed of generosity that is already there! Please pray for sweet Onoria as well! We are promised in scripture that our Father "will not leave us as orphans: I will come to you" (John 14:18). While I pray that the Lord would not leave her as an orphan on earth, I more urgently pray that He would not leave her as a spiritual orphan.

Lord, please bring these children that you have brought into our lives into a saving knowledge of you through your Son! I pray that the Holy Spirit would cause them to seek a relationship with You, meeting the greatest need they have for a Savior from their sin. Use their lives to glorify Your name!


Mom B said...

When am I going to learn to NOT read your blog just after putting on makeup! I had heard you tell this story, but had somehow missed the import. Thanks for writing it down!

Julia Bennett said...

What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing.

Grammy said...

Dear Whitney,
What a beautiful story of sacrifice! We have much to learn from children, don't we? Thank you for that story.

Jami said...

Whitney - I am trying to catch up on all my blogs! I just saw your video and it made me cry. I so remember the emotions of saying goodbye. It is so painful but your day WILL come!!! I love you! Let's get together soon!


Amanda and Paul said...

That is truely an amazing story. I am always praying for you guys and baby Ellie. I hope that she gets to come home soon!! Also, thanks for your note.
Amanda H.

Sharon and Olivia Grace said...

What a great story!!!

I love your new header!!!!


Unknown said...

Less then 48 hours till I get to meet your little girl, I cannot wait. Thanks for all your support-Aimee

Grammy said...

Whitney and Daniel,
I love the new big pic of Ellie!