Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ellie Gets Excited during Giuliani Concession Speech

[Note: I'm on probation, but I begged Whitney to let me give another update since she has a readership that is about 4 1/2 times as big as mine]

Right now, as I work on some upcoming lessons, we have the Florida returns on in the background. As Giuliani gives his concession speech, Ellie is clapping along with the crowd and raising her hands when he raises his. She said she has a hard time following US politics, but is strongly pro-life. Needless to say, she is not sad to see the mayor from New York get beat pretty soundly.

Ellie is holding an envelope that we picked up from the embassy today that we are not to open under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. We're supposed to give it to USCIS officials in Atlanta. But it's so tempting...what's in there? Why is it so thick? What would happen if I did open it? Would they really not let us into the country? Would they send us back to Guatemala? Would they pay for the ticket? Right now, Whitney has hidden the envelope so it won't tempt me.We've watched the flights over the past few days and the ones we'll be on have run on time, etc. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.

Ellie continues to become more animated. Tonight, we're letting her stay up a little bit because she's talking so much. It's really good to hear her voice....


Kristin said...

How WONDERFUL!!!!!! And, yes the packet is tempting!!! We got a packet back from the customs guy, and I am pretty sure that was it; but in the flurry of it all I couldn't remember!!

We love you guys so much!!!!
Kristin and the gang

John and Sarah said...
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Unknown said...

They'll give you SOME of what's in the packet to take home with you, but Ellie is by far the best thing you're bringing home! And I think you have barely begun to get to see Ellie's true personality! Enjoy your return trip (which I think you have hundreds of people praying for!)and the next few days as you all get to know her! As someone in an earlier blog said, Ellie will love being with her sister and brothers. Wish I could be at the airport to be a part of the festivities and meet you! I'll just keep checking your blog. Thanks for all the awesome entries!

John and Sarah said...

I'm sure she was saying "Viva Ron Paul" with all the jabbering she was doing tonight.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way, tomorrow the Big Envelope Mystery will be solved, so you will only lose one night of sleep! It's great to hear Ellie is talking and interracting more- sure enjoyed today's pictures!

Lisa & Eric

P.S. Daniel, you're doing a fine job on Whitney's blog... Whitney, beware of the impending hostile takeover :-)

Anonymous said...

Austin says... We went to the museum. I went on the pirate ship. That was my favorite. (He's talking about the spider web climbing thing). I'm having fun.


Anonymous said...

She looks so cute in those little jeans! Great pics! Praying for the flights and glad things are going so well.

John and Sarah said...

Her pictures from today are just absolutely beautiful. I think you are bringing the most beautiful girl-guatababy home!!

We will be praying for your trip in its entirety tomorrow. We are so excited for her homecoming!

Em said...

"Viva, Ron Paul". Classic.

(There was cheering going on at our house too.)

Abe and I are thoroughly enjoying the pictures of your very adorable, cuddly, sweet cheeked daughter. We're still praying!


Anonymous said...

If you will let your aircraft dispatching brother know your flight number, he can keep you in the know about what is really happening with it. Presuming, of course, he has some means of communicating with you.

Anonymous said...

The pic with Ellie on Daniel's lap with her hands in the air is stinkin' awesome! One more cute kid in the Bennett family!

Anonymous said...

LOVED the pictures from today!!!! I agree w/Jana; her jeans are adorable. Praying for safety and problem-free traveling today. Welcome home Ellie!! Love, The Hollands

Jenn said...

When my husband was getting his residence visa he had a big envelope he couldn't open until we got to the States. So tempting!

I'm glad you guys have had such a great time in Guatemala and I hope you have a great trip back home!!!

Anonymous said...

This morning Austin says... I like the new pictures. I thought it was funny when she was trying to eat the phone! Is that snow by Ellie? (where she's standing next to the very white wall)... told him big brother Austin will need to teach her about snow- and lots of other things!

Austin continues... and I'm going to teach her about Sunday School, K'nex (a very favorite toy here), and puppies. I think she will like peanut butter and honey sandwiches!

Grammy said...

Lovely! Just getting to read your blogs for yesterday and today.
Praying hard for your safe return on time.
Love you all,
Grammy and Gramps